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Documents and Downloads

Case Documents
BSTS Executive Summary
The output from the Buchan Sustainable Transport Study. Currently the main reports are with the Scottish Government. This Summary presents the overall case for this project.
Buchan North - South Divide
CNER are clear that any new railway in Buchan must not terminate in Ellon. This document explains the rationale for that assertation clearly and formed part of our pitch to the JTF.
Campaign Material
CNER flyer for public distribution. This is scaled for double sided A3 printing. Feel free to print your own copies and hand them out.
Window Poster
A collection of window posters to show your support for CNER, both generic and town specific are included in the same download, simply print the version you need.
CNER poster to spread the word about our campaign. Scaled for A4. 
Testimonial Form
Do you have experience living in the North East and have encountered difficulty using public transport or have faced travel difficulty. Let us know how a railway would impact your life.
Letters and Submissions
Response to STPR2
STPR2 set the Scottish Government's Transport investment priorities through to 2040. CNER responded to the document in the draft stage. Unfortunately, Buchan Rail was not included.
Expression of Interest JTF
CNER applied to the Just Transition Fund in 2022. A significant part of that process was submitting this expression of interest. The document explains our rationale in regards to climate.
Submission to Scotrail NE RRT
Scotrail held a series of Regional Round Table discussions in early 2023. CNER attended the discussion and submitted this document with changes we would like to see to the railway.
Local Planning Submission
Residents in Cairnbulg submitted a planning application to make use of the old St Combs branch line for a cycle path. CNER wrote to Aberdeenshire council in support of the plans.
Archived Documents
Archived Documents
Archived Documents are available to 'First Class' CNER members only, click through to become a member to gain access to these documents. Already a member? Click here!
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